The HBCU CHIPS Network is envisioned as a research and education consortium that serves as the nexus of collaboration and cooperation between HBCUs, government agencies, academia, and industry. Through our collaborative efforts the Network will play a defining role in helping the U.S.A. regain leadership in microelectronics while addressing the global challenges that currently plagued this industry. Through a multidisciplinary approach the Network will facilitate fulfilling talent pipelines to grow the workforce of the future, research innovations, resolving long standing disparities in facilities, building out domestic capacity and providing shared accessibility across the Network stakeholders.

Additionally, the Network will provide outreach to community colleges, veterans, and K-12, thus empowering a diverse, and inclusive workforce that leverages research innovations including experiential learning opportunities across all stakeholder groups. If the US is serious about reshoring this critical industry, then to quote the Honorable Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo at the official HBCU CHIPS Networking Kick-Off meeting in Washington, DC at the Department of Commerce, “We must have all hands on-deck if the U.S. is to be successful in its reshoring efforts.” This plan outlines the creation of an independent consortium consisting of representatives from the HBCUs and other stakeholder groups to serve as the convening and governing body for the Network that makes key decisions and recommendations that support and grow minority participation in microelectronics.